Peer-reviewed publications:
Thomsen, M. K., Andersen, M., & Greve, J. (2024). Transgender lives at the population level: Evidence from Danish administrative data. Social Science & Medicine, 117182.
Policy reports:
Greve, J., Østergaard, S. V., Andersen, M., & Thomsen, M. K. (2022). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Living Conditions and Participation in Society [report in Danish], 1-144.
Martin, H. M. & Thomsen, M. K. (2021). Intersex: Experiences among Individuals with Differences in Sex Development [report in Danish], 1–46.
Work in progress:
The privilege of passing: a population study of the role of looking ’not trans’ in transgender mental health, everyday life, and labour market outcomes. (lead author, with Jane Greve)
Mental and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the Intersex Population (lead author, with Jane Greve)
Intersex health, family formation, and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Danish population data (lead author, with Jane Greve)
The Intersex Population? A Critical Review and Theoretical Perspective
Transgender, not other: a study of the portrayal of transgender life (with Francesco Rampazzo)